Cycle is a one-of-a-kind piece made of hand-torn natural fiber paper, inspired by the world-wide experience during the 2020 pandemic.
[I] “I was feeling the need to express myself in a different way. I started with the center area with the words. I started this in March of 2020, all words coming from EVERYWHERE felt so SHARP. It was like you could not get away from it. On social media, in the news, on the streets. These sharp words ultimately created a "spark" which ignited into a very hot fire (the first few months of the pandemic and the election), and felt like it was burning very hot in everyone's hearts. (The yellow spark, turning into the licks of red and orange fire.)
After a time, we all were forced to adapt and grow from this experience. The green represents this growth.
After more time (almost a YEAR), that growth has become more of a second nature and the "new normal" (masks, social distancing, etc.), the shock and horror of 2020 began to cool off. The blues represent this cooling effect. This is the cycle of things. All things” [/I]
Cycle measures 24" x 30" x 1"